I recently hit 20,000 followers on LinkedIn. (Yay!) To celebrate, I’m going live on Thursday, Sept 19 from 12:00 - 12:30 pm EST on Zoom to answer your job search questions. 

AMA with Emily: Ask me anything about …

  • Job search advice
  • Resume insights
  • LinkedIn profile
  • Job interviews
  • Salary negotiations
  • Career development 

I’m here to help! 

Please submit your questions in advance and I’ll answer them “on air.” Send your questions to I will also be taking questions live from participants.

*This session will be recorded, so if you can’t join us live, ask me for the recording. 

Click here to learn more and join the meeting

Now, on to the newsletter …


My #1 piece of job search advice, which you can apply to your resume, job application, cover letter, LinkedIn, and in job interviews …

It’s not about YOU. It’s about what YOU CAN DO FOR THEM.

Most people list their skills, their background, their degrees or certifications, number of years … OK, that's all well and good, but it's not convincing. It's not effective.

Instead, articulate your value. It’s about your IMPACT and RESULTS.

Because at the end of the day, getting a job is a business transaction. 

Think about it ... when you’re shopping, you’re exchanging money for a product or service that will do something for you. It will bring you benefits. It will solve your problem/want/need.

Same deal with companies. They are exchanging money for an employee who will solve their problems/wants/needs.

That’s why you need to tell your career story in a way that articulates your value to the company - how you can help solve their problem/want/need. Make it very clear why they should spend money on you.

Recruiters and hiring managers are busy and overwhelmed people. You have to hit them over the head with this.

How are you going to make their lives easier? How are you going to help their business? If you can help them save money, save time, increase profits, reduce waste, improve output, increase followers ... That’s what you talk about.

“I can help you [company mission], I’ve done it before. Here’s how ..."

“I can help you grow your social media followers, I’ve done it before. Here’s how ..."

“I can help your customers have a smooth and productive customer experience. I’ve done it before. Here’s how ..."

THAT'S how you get someone's attention. 

Do you have questions about this topic or anything else related to the job search? Join me live on Zoom on Thursday, Sept 19 from 12:00 - 12:30 pm EST. More info here

To your success,

- Emily

(PS: Are you following me on LinkedIn? I drop job search advice most days of the week.)